Nyår imorron :)
Det känns fan inte som att det är nyår imorron, samma med julafton man ba: ehhh ofta de är jul? :S
Det här året har gått så jävla snabbt :P
Det här året har gått så jävla snabbt :P
Perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most
Forgot how it feels, well almost
No one to blame always the same
Open my eyes, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up in flames
It took you to make me realize
It took you to make me realize
It took you to make me realize
It took you to make me see the light
Smashed up my sanity
Smashed up my integrity
Smashed up what I believed in
Smashed up what's left of me
Smashed up my everything
Smashed up all that was true
Gonna smash myself to pieces
I don't know what else to do
I feel like I should just move far away....where I can start over.
I like hangin out with you guys but you don't like me.
I hurt inside. I want to shed tears saying one million words.
You're totally broken inside, feeling not one way to turn
I'm not like other people can you accept that or not?
or do I just have to be the third wheel?
Tagging along holding onto someones belt loop...not what you want to do.
You want to be out doing things your self too.
I seem to fail every thing I do.
Why? I try so hard to follow but I just fall back into my deep whole I can't stay out of.
What is wrong with me?
I wish that you could told me what I did wrong.
I like hangin out with you guys but you don't like me.
I hurt inside. I want to shed tears saying one million words.
You're totally broken inside, feeling not one way to turn
I'm not like other people can you accept that or not?
or do I just have to be the third wheel?
Tagging along holding onto someones belt loop...not what you want to do.
You want to be out doing things your self too.
I seem to fail every thing I do.
Why? I try so hard to follow but I just fall back into my deep whole I can't stay out of.
What is wrong with me?
I wish that you could told me what I did wrong.
Kul att man får migrän precis innan julafton typ :(
Satan vad nice med lov!! :D kanon att jag inte har nån ig-varing med (y)
va med sandra i måndags och vi körde wii, ägde (konstigt nog) på golf ;o måste köpa mig ett wii spel, fan va kul de är ;P
va med sandra i måndags och vi körde wii, ägde (konstigt nog) på golf ;o måste köpa mig ett wii spel, fan va kul de är ;P
Honeymoon Suite
When you lose your love
And it makes your life turn cold
When it tears you apart
Your heart and soul just can't go on
When love's alive, it sets you free
When it's gone, it's plain to see
How even love can become a lethal weapon
When you lose control
And you scare yourself sometimes
When you really don't care, yeah
That your life is on the line
No one outside can understand
You take your life in your own hands
And even love can become a lethal weapon
Killing you, that's the last thing love
Was ever meant to do
Become a lethal weapon
You know there is no hope of breaking free
And what you suffer happily
That's when love itself becomes
A lethal weapon
Nu tycker jag att det kan ta och sluta snöa, det behövs inge mer snö nu :(
Kan säga att jag är äckligt glad att jag klarade matten! Satan vad skönt! (a) *happy dance*
har knappt kunnat sova ett skit i natt för mina förbannade tänder gör ont, men när jag väl somnat så vaknar jag för att jag fryser/svettas, kul att få feber mitt upp i allt :(
Jag gillar inte att ha 70 prov i veckan :(

Hahha, hittade ett par as snygga bilder jag tog för nån vecka sen på Mysan och Elin :D
Haft en as bra helg, vart lite stressigt med resan till stockholm men det funka ;P Sandra va klockren och lyckades att typ elda upp halva lösnaglen x)
Min kamra verkar hata mig, vissa bilder är det as dålig kvalitet på och man ser typ ingen, men vissa är bra :S

Min kamra verkar hata mig, vissa bilder är det as dålig kvalitet på och man ser typ ingen, men vissa är bra :S

Vill haa!!

Jaaag vill ha! :(
Hittade dom nyss på Ebay, hatar att england har så konstiga storlekar! :@ :(

Är AS sugen på att fota! :(
Plugg, plugg och mera plugg
Fattar mig inte på lärare ibland, vi har inte haft ett enda prov tills nu och då får vi alla samtidigt.. Det är 10 skoldagar innan vi får lov, och vi har typ 6 prov. Kul i jul lixom, och så klart så är det dom drygaste ämnena med -.-
tjiihoo jag är körd :/
tjiihoo jag är körd :/
Lost it on the chesterfield
Or maybe on a gambling wheel
Lost in it a diamond mine
It's dark as hell and hard to find
Well you can climb to the top of the highest tree
You can look around but you still won't see
What I'm looking for
Where the good times gone
Where the good times gone
All that stupid fun and all that shit we've done
Where the good times gone
Well I still don't know
Or maybe on a gambling wheel
Lost in it a diamond mine
It's dark as hell and hard to find
Well you can climb to the top of the highest tree
You can look around but you still won't see
What I'm looking for
Where the good times gone
Where the good times gone
All that stupid fun and all that shit we've done
Where the good times gone
Well I still don't know